June 6, 2006
As today is 6/6/’06, we of the Blood Arm posse figured it fitting to have a show scheduled in Liverpool. In our prior experiences with the city, we have witnessed a violent football riot, been chased by a bloody man brandishing the leg of a barstool, and encountered the one person in the world who had never heard of the Beatles. The people we actually performed for and later made love to were wonderful, but we figured them to be exceptions to the general hellishness of the place.
Then we arrived at the Korova Bar, Ladytron’s recreation of the milk bar from
A Clockwork Orange. It felt like heaven.
Dyan gives us a brief tour below.

After the show, at which we fell in love with opening acts
Stealer and
the Wombats, we fell further in love with Liverpudlians Crazy Pete (Stealer’s front man), promoter Steve REVO, and medical student Eleanor (who is actually German). Crazy Pete is indeed worthy of his moniker, but in more of a King-of-the-Party kind of way than a Let’s-Run-Away-from-This-Guy-Before-He-Hurts-Us kind of way. His King-of-the-Party-ness trumps that of everyone we’ve ever met, and that “everyone” I just typed includes Wilmer Valderama. If Metallica named an album after him, it would be called
Master of Parties.

(While we’re on the subject of crazy people, it should be noted that those of the Let’s-Run-Away-from-This-Guy-Before-He-Hurts-Us variety have an uncanny affinity for
Zebastian. Whether we be drinking at the bar, walking down the street, or checking into the hotel, the guy with the sunburn on his face and yesterday’s lunch all over his shirt always wants to have a word with him. Does he put out a scent that only crazy hobos can smell? Is there a gene for this scent? Can this gene be isolated and put on the market?)
The Absinthe flowed, secrets were shared, and we returned to our hotel with a rosy glow in our cheeks and a newfound appreciation for a city that once gave us nightmares, gonorrhea, and general incontinence.
June 7, 2006
We love Leeds, and we love
the Grates. So partying with the Grates in Leeds was sort of like a double-dose of loveliness in one shot, except it felt like more than a double. Maybe a triple. A quintuple even. We were head over heels love-drunk.
Here is a list of things that pushed our love-intoxication to total love-inebriation:
-Robert Willey—perhaps the friendliest man in the world—was there
-Playing Frisbee with the Grates
-Witnessing the Fallout Trust
-Discussing the ethics behind robot dog-kicking with the Grates
-The MoveOnUp Soul Night at the HiFi Club, which featured the Best DJ Ever
-Phil Howells’—Patron Saint of City Rockers Records—supersized dance moves
More tomorrow, and Leeds pics coming soon!
-Ben Lee